*82 Review, Issue 11.2, Nevermind the Press, 2023, p.17, 28-31.


Chan, David Ho Yeung, A Conversation with Tsang Kin-Wah Art Asia Pacific, Issue 117, Mar/Apr 2020, p.67-72. 


Zhong, Yuling The Displacement of Language into the Realm of Visual Art Yishu - Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Volume 18, Number 1, January/February 2019, p.6-23. 


Volk, Katherine In the End is the Word - TSANG KIN-WAH Canvas magazine, September/October 2018, Mixed Media Publishing, Dubai, p.90-95. 


Wong, Helen Entangled Histories: Unraveling the Work of Tsang Kin-Wah Yishu - Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Volume 17, Number 1, January/February 2018, p.80-84. 


Haydaroglu, Mine the 15th Istanbul Biennial Reviews, Artforum, December 2017. 


Rademakers, Masha, A scream for tolerance - Tsang Kin-Wah's Canadian debutThe Source / La Source Newspaper, thelasource.com, 30 May 2017.


Fossourier, Mélanie, La nature humaine pousse sur les murs de la < Vancouver Art Gallery>The Source / La Source Newspaper, thelasource.com, Culture, Exposition // Volume 17, Édition 9, May 2017.


Lai, Winnie, There are no misinterpretations of nothing Artomity 藝源, No.3, Winter 2016, p.72-77. 


Short, Stephen, Artist Tsang Kin Wah Balances Global Acclaim With Hong Kong Anonymity #legend Magazine, Nov 1, 2016.


Henry, Gerard, Tsang Kin-wah: <Nothing> au Pavilion M+ Paroles Magazine 東西譚, Oct/Nov/Dec 2016, p.26-27.


Lau, Joyce, Tsang Kin-wah Channels His Outrage in a New Show The New York Times, Sep 7, 2016. 


d'Arenberg Parmanand, Diana, Tsang Kin Wah: nothing Artomity 藝源, No.2, Autumn 2016, p.98-107.


Walters, Sarah, Reflection of Change Manchester Evening News, 8th April 2016. 


Dickersbach, Safia (Ed.), PRŌTOCOLLUM 2016/17, Global Perspectives on Visual Vocabulary Dickersbach Kunstverlag, Germany, 2016, p.292-295.


Chou, Oliver, HK Artist set for show in top New York gallery South China Morning Post, 22 March 2016.


Fong, Stella, The Invisible Struggle of Tsang Kin-Wah LEAP magazine, Art Basel in Hong Kong 2016 Special, 2016, p.30-32.

方咏甄,《看不見的掙扎:曾建華》 藝術界,2016香港巴塞爾藝術展特刋,2016年,頁30 - 32。


Schmidt, Kristin,Tsang Kin Wah: Ecce Homo Trilogy II, KUNST BULLETIN, 12/2015, p.90-91.


Boecker, Susanne, Hong Kong. Tsang Kin Wah KUNSTFORUM International Band 233, 2015, p.529-531.


Jocks, Heinz-Norbert, Tsang Kin-Wah. Das unendliche Nichts KUNSTFORUM International Band 233, 2015, p.532-533.


Verso il nulla infinito: Tsang Kin-Wah alla Biennale di Venezia JULIET art magazine, julietartmagazine.com , 3 Sep 2015


Caroline Ha Thuc, HONG KONG Tsang Kin-Wah artpress, No.422 May 2015, p.28-29. 


Chow, Vivienne, Endless possibilities await Hong Kong artist at Venice showpiece South China Morning Post, www.scmp.com, 12 May 2015


Kwong, Kevin, Hong Kong exhibit at Venice Biennale a sanctuary of calmSouth China Morning Post, www.scmp.com, 12 May 2015


Quicklines: Tsang Kin-Wah Pipeline, Issue 47 March / April 2015, p.76-79. 


Batten, John, Review: Galerie Perrotin's Forest of Illusions South China Morning Post, www.scmp.com, 5 Aug 2014


Chow, Vivienne, Venice Biennale artist backs museum team South China Morning Post, 23 July 2014. 


Tong, Katherine, Landscape: The Virtual, The Actual, The Possible? Art Asia Pacific, artasiapacific.com.com, 2014


Li, Angel, Tsang Kin Wah, His Constant Search For The Truth A.M. Post,100, 11.2013, pp.010-015.


Batty, David, Art Basel fair woos wealthy Chinese with champagne, logos and singers The Guardian, 25 May 2013.


J.P., Local pride The Economist, 23 May 2013.


Ostrow, Saul, Mix and Match at Mediations Biennale Art in America, 10/19/2012.Uttam, Payal, FIRE STARTER Prestige magazine, 2012.


Brzeski, Patrick, In So Many Words Sunday Morning Post, July 22, 2012, p.10-11.


Sanchez, K. Cristina, Taming Ribald Desires Pipeline magazine, May 2012, p.40-42. 


Uttam, Payal, A Room with A View Framed magazine, Autumn 2011 Issue2, p.14-19. 


Donald, James, The Beauty of Distance: Global Art in the Context of the 17th Biennale of Sydney Yishu – Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, November/December 2010, Volume 9, Number 6. 


Koon, Yee-wan, We think, therefore we art Muse, Issue 36, January 2010, p.101-103. 


Gayer, John, DRAWN IN THE CLOUDS Art Papers, no.2 March/April 2009, p.62. 


Dickinson, Bob, Tsang Kin-Wah: What Are You Looking At? Art Monthly, September 2008, No. 319, p.29 - 30.


Ip, Victoria, In Bloom Muse, Issue 21, October 2008, p.44 - 53.


Jamal, Osman, Tsang Kin-Wah at Chinese Art Center Asian Art News, Vol. 18, July/August 2008, p.133-134.


Maerkle, Andrew, Stream of Consciousness Art Asia Pacific, May/June 2008, Issue #58, p.150-157.


Leung, Emily, Walls of wonder Home Journal, January 2008, p.212-213. 


Catching, Rebecca, Reversing Horizons Art Asia Pacific, November/December 2007, Issue #56, p.161.


Mansley, Lorna, Writing in Pictures: An Introduction to Typography in China All, No.46, October 2007, p.148-152.


Golden, Alisa, Snapshots of Book Art In Asia Ampersand - the Quarterly Journal of the Pacific Center for the Book Arts, Summer 2007, Vol. 24, No. 4, p.1-12. 


Chrillesen, Neel, L'Harmonie des Opposes Cimaise, 54 annee, No. 287, Sept_Oct_Nov 2007, p.40-45. 


Millichap, John, In Search of the Real Thing: Contemporary Art in Hong Kong Yishu - Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, September 2007, Fall Issue.


"Composizioni" Floreali Alter Ego, July - August 2007, p.22-21.


If Walls Could Talk That's Shanghai, Aug 2007, p.39.


Culture Shock 字裡行間 Perspective 透視, May 07, p.128-129.


Tanski, Julia, The Essence of Hong Kong The Standard, 7 April 2007.


妙趣 Chinglish Hong Kong Economic Post, 21 March 2007, C5. 


DESIGN Vol.343 January 2007, p.41. 


Eschbach, Andre, Pretty on the Surface FRAME 53, Nov/Dec 2006, p.203. 


Journeys into Space: the environment as a new medium for graphic design IdN Magazine, v13n4: Enviornment, 2006, p.38-39. 


Truth & reality? Tsang Kin-Wah Lino Magazine, Issue No.15 2006, p.112-113.


Tingenes Tilstand Kunsthandverk, 2/06, p.6-11.


藝術邁向商場化 -「MEGartSTORE」商場時代的藝術體驗 am post, 第三十一期, 2006年7月 


展覽我們的生活 明報, 2006年6月2日 


Outside the Cube Sunday Morning Post, , February 26, 2006. 


Understanding the Sixty Seven Countries of the ALMANAC - Hong Kong Art Asia Pacific, THE ALMANAC 2005/2006, p.75. 


十大值得討論並認為評價最好的「演藝」和「視藝」節目 am post, 2006年2月 


Biennale de Hong Kong 2006 Paroles, Alliance Francise de Hong Kong, Jan / Fev 2006. 


Wood you believe it? Sunday Morning Post, , January 8, 2006. 


Tsang Kin Wah O Magazine, No. 151, October 2005, p.38-47.


空間裏踱步沉思 Discovery, Cathay Pacific, October 2005, p.45. 


Chiu, Caroline, Reviews: Tsang Kin Wah, John Batten Gallery Art Asia Pacific, No. 46, Fall 2005, p.78. 


Aranita, Jeffrey du Vallier d'Aragon, Tsang Kin Wah wins Sovereign Award Art Asia Pacific, No. 46, Fall 2005, p.14. 


Thomson, Jonathan, Tsang Kin Wah at John Batten Gallery Asian Art News, Vol. 15, No. 4, July/August 2005, p.83-84. 


Censorship fears as Hong Kong's art world is forced to go shopping Agence France Presse, 17 July, 2005.


Off the Wall Elle Decoration, July 2005, p.46-47. 

戀戀「牆」薇 家居廊, 2005年七月號


There's something about the white cube Star, June 2005 Vol. III No.31.


HK artist's silky skills snare US$25,000 prize South China Morning Post, April 29, 2005.


Soundbites Sunday Morning Post, May15, 2005.


Tung, Ka-yan, When things are not as they seem: Portrait of Hong Kong artist TSANG Kin-wah COFA, Summer '05, Issue 12 (Jan - Apr) 2005. 


劉建華, 隱匿真身份 - 設計游 - 灣仔 - 曾建華 am post, 2005年1月 

Lau, Jasper, Face-less – detour - Wan Chai - Tsang Kin Wah am post, January 2005


好設計,在香港 am post, 2004年12月


本地設計師玩盡港產文化 蘋果日報, 2004年11月8日


曾建華: 浮游在牆紙空間 上海壹周, 2004年5月26日


香港壁紙貼滿牆 東方早報, 2004年5月25日 


Every vote counts in cyberspace, especially the public's  Sunday Morning Post, , March 28, 2004. 


Judith Hoffberg (ed.), Artist's Book Review: "Interior" Umbrella, Vol. 27, No. 2-3, August 2004, p.66-67. 


Thomson, Jonathan, The Ordinary and the Extraordinary Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2, March/April 2004.


甄拔濤, 超越漫畫的漫畫元素藝術發展 - 談「玩世不恭」 - 漫畫元素當代藝術作品 PS, 2004年春季

Yan, Pat To, More than Comics - Playful Mind - an exhibition of artworks with comic elements, Shanghai Street visual artspace PS, Spring 2004. 


本地藝術創作的成果-香港藝術雙年展 蘋果日報, 2001年12月21日


